"Argenta" is an iconic ceramic series created by the Swedish designer Wilhelm Kåge for Gustavsberg during the 1940s. This series is known for its unique and innovative design, where the ceramics are combined with silver decorations to create a spectacular visual effect.
Each piece in the "Argenta" series is handcrafted and bears Wilhelm Kåge's signature style. The ceramic objects are made of high-quality porcelain and have an elegant and timeless shape. They are often executed in soft and organic shapes with clean lines, giving them a harmonious and balanced aesthetic.
What makes "Argenta" so unique is the use of silver decorations. Silver inlays are applied by hand to the ceramic objects and often form different patterns and motifs. These silver decorations can be abstract or inspired by nature, such as foliage or flowers. The silver inlays provide a contrasting and brilliant effect against the colored ceramics and create a spectacular visual contrast.
The bowl is very beautiful and decorative. Can be used as a piece of art or to store favorite jewelry such as rings or earrings.
Dimensions: Diameter 11 Height 5 cm
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